Who We Are

Friends of the Laingsburg Public Library is a registered 501(c)3 that exists as a volunteer organization that is dedicated to supporting in efforts to engage the community to support, promote and further the programs of the Laingsburg Public Library. We strive to encourage the involvement of youth, parents, and members of the community in building strong library programs for our children and the community for years to come.

What We Do

Friends of the Laingsburg Public Library goal is to assist, where possible, in the improvement and advancement of library programs through both financial and volunteer efforts. In support of our mission, the funds earned through sales from book & bake sales, art walk and other fundraising efforts come directly back to the library and help support a variety of services and programs, including the  Summer Reading Program and other various organize events throughout the year.


Are you interested in becoming a friend? To join the Friends of the Laingsburg Public Library it only cost $10.00 a year. Memberships are due for renewal every year on May 1st. If you would like to join the following below is how you can

 ​ By stopping in at Laingsburg Public Library and asking at the Circulation Desk for a Membership Application. You may also pay for your membership at the library.

 ​Printing off the Membership Application by clicking here and dropping off at the Laingsburg Library with your membership payment. 

 ​Printing off the Membership Application and mailing it with your payment to the following address at P.O. Box 280 Laingsburg, MI 48848.

Upcoming Events & Meetings
Monthly Regular Meeting
Everyone is welcome 

Date: March 26th, 2025

Time: 6pm - 7pm

Where: Laingsburg Public Library


There are many ways you can help the Friends of the Laingsburg Public Library by 

 ​ By becoming a friends member

 ​Volunteer or Donate items for the silent auction or other fundraising sales and events that the friends host.

Have you been to the Library lately?

Stop in today and visit with the friendly staff. Ask about what new items are coming to the library and what new events are happening!

For more information

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